
The year of the Overflow

2021 will be a year of accelerated prosperity for the church and your fruitfulness will be your reward. You must press in and be locked and loaded waiting for next level instructions from the Lord.
This is the season for the church to do more than ever before with social media and our digital community. A body is coming out of the body so invest in kingdom sowing and invest in your family.
There is a demonic plan to sow fear so sow faith. There will be great suffering in the midst of great prosperity. Do Not develop a messiah mentally becoming God to people. They will only distract you from moving forward and destroy your vision of prosperity. Everything in your hand is not in your discretion to give away.
This is the year that the demons doctrine is being exposed; all that live Godly will be persecuted. Persecution is the tool that will cause you to devalue who you are and question what God told you. But know that with persecution comes prosperity. Some  people just don’t like you and you can do nothing about it. But don’t let the nay sayers stop your prosperity because they cannot see your vision. Do not explain yourself to the nay sayers. Know that you are doing a great work and you can’t stop now. Lean into God’s will for your life.
Don’t give time to things that destroy your focus. All things are possible for those who believe. This is the year of the overflow!!! Walk on water miracles!!! Signs and wonders!!!

Persecution and Nay sayers are to be expected...get out of the boat and walk on water!!!

Your success is not so much in networking and strategy but hearing from God. You can make it!!! Just step out on His Word and walk on water.

It happens one foot in front of the other!!

The Year of the Overflow 2021!!

Happy New Year!!!! 

Pastor Barbara