
PB Devotions

Christians today commonly speak of three different options for engaging ideas and practices in the world. We can reject them as inappropriate and unhelpful. We can receive them as good and helpful. Or we can “redeem” them by changing what is bad and reframing what is good. Reject, Receive, Redeem; you could even say: abandon, accept and accommodate, but the meaning is essentially the same.

The church has adopted a 40 day observance. Some call it Lent and some call it 40 Days of Purpose. The heart of Lent is a season of fasting, which Jesus obviously expected for his followers to do. He said “when you fast,” not “if you fast”
Matt. 6:16

We abstain from worldly pleasures to realize their power over us, to remind ourselves of our frailty and continual need of grace, and to rejoice that our appetite for sin has been dealt with unless you desire it.

What have you realized about yourself so far?

40 Days of Purpose

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