
PB Devotion

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
Acts 2:4

Pentecost is not just something found in the New Testament, it is actually an Old Testament holiday tied with the Feast of Harvest, or the Feast of Weeks. It marks the beginning of harvesttime.

This was also a time when religious pilgrims would travel to Jerusalem from faraway lands. So “God-fearing Jews from ­every nation” are present for this event.

A blowing, violent wind is followed by what appears to be tongues of fire separating and resting on the disciples. People from many nations gather to see what is going on. And something wonderful occurs. Everyone can understand what is being said!

Those who are listening can hear the message in their own language. The Tower of Babel is where God confused the people’s language. This is reversed by the Holy Spirit so that people can understand one another.

Allow the Holy Spirit to help you understand others.

Better Together
The Road to Pentecost

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