
PB Devotion

If they listen and obey God, they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives. All their years will be pleasant.
Job 36:11

God could have loved us from a distance. But God wanted to do more than just love us. He wanted to be intimate with us. So the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us. He located us and He came to us. Jesus shared our loneliness, fatigue, anxiety and sorrow. He shared in our  joy and our pain. He provided comfort in our despair at feeling forsaken.

The story of our world and our life is the story of God’s hunger for intimacy. His pain over the loss of intimacy in the Fall, His determination to recapture it and His fierce joy at its redemption.
God will never love more than He does right now and He will never love you less. When Jesus said, “It is finished” and three days later rose from the grave; our rescue story was signed, sealed and delivered. It was all for love.

The Year of the Overflow

Sow Anyhow!!!

May His favor be upon you for a thousand generations. On your children and their children and their children. May His presence go before you, and behind you, and beside you, all round you and within you; He is with you. In the morning, in the evening, when you come and when you go. In your weeping and rejoicing; He is for you.

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