
PB Devotion

Peter went fishing. He didn’t catch anything. He’s a master fisherman. He’d been out all night and he was beyond tired.  Jesus had been teaching people from the boat while Peter was cleaning his nets. Maybe Peter heard something that made him pay attention.

Jesus asked Peter to put out his net into deep water. “Let down the nets for a catch,” Simon said, “Because you say so, I will.”

As the year comes to an end, it can be easy to feel as if we’ve worked hard all night without catching anything. For all our efforts we still struggle with the same problems and temptations. Our children give us the same worries, and our neighbors seem no more open to Jesus than when we first befriended them. Even so, we keep on putting out our nets. Jesus has asked us to, and sometimes it all depends on who is asking. Let your continued response be, “Because you say so, I will.”

Expand the Kingdom

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