
PB Devotion

When we step out of God’s perfect plan, we get off-balance. And when you are off-balance spiritually, it spills over into every area of your life. Nothing else seems to fit and you don’t feel whole. Your emotions, relationships, finances and health can suffer. But wholeness is prospering in your spirit, soul, mind and body. As the new year draws near we begin to think about the wholeness of our lives. We begin to evaluate what is missing, what is broken and how to fix it. The time for fasting is quickly approaching. It’s a time to decrease in effort to clear the clutter in your body, mind and soul. Get ready to fast.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
Mark 8:36

When you are whole and in alignment with God, you can experience peace, joy, restoration, love, a right mind and freedom.

Spread the Good News!!!

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