
PB Devotion

“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you. . . “
John 14:15-16

Keeping Jesus’ commands means obeying what Jesus tells us to do. That’s simple to understand but not always easy to do.
The main command Jesus has in mind here is “Love one another”. How do we love criminals? How do we love oppressors? How do we even love people who simply disagree with us? Thankfully, Jesus provides us with the help we need. Jesus promised an advocate—an encourager. Someone who will put his arm around us when we need comfort, and someone who will spur us on when we need to try again and keep trying. The advocate is the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent him to live in us so that we will ­never be alone in trying to keep Jesus’ commands.

The Power of Love!!
Expanding the Kingdom 2022!!

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