
PB Devotional

No one competes for the goal of being last. No one remembers the ones who come in last. But maybe that’s the point.

The economy of the gospel isn’t like everything else. Good looks and megatalent don’t earn anything. In fact, very little that we value in this world—from wealth and prestige to power and position—means anything when it comes to following Jesus. At times, our stuff and accomplishments can even get in the way of following Jesus.

Think of it this way: when we realize that the things we often rely on don’t actually gain us anything, we find ourselves in a place where we are ready to rely on Jesus. We realize that everything good we have and all we have accomplished is a gift from God. And we are ready to share it with others, rather than holding on to it for ourselves. With love and generosity and making room for people, putting others ahead of ourselves, we begin to follow and act like Jesus.

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